Q. What is VIP USA's fundraising program?
A. VIP USA's fundraising program features a no risk way for community organizations and charities to raise the money needed to fund their programs. By selling VIP USA Theme Packs, our selling groups are able to offer to their supporters a product that is worth far more than what they paid for it. And since the Theme Packs feature merchant offers from national favorites and local must haves, supporters will be pleased to support selling groups again and again. With no upfront cost and no minimum orders, participation in our program is hassle free and allows our selling groups to concentrate on meeting their goals.
To register your group for participation, please click here

Q. What are VIP USA Theme Packs?
A. VIP USA Theme Packs are customized coupon books built specifically with the consumer's interests in mind. They feature a minimum of 100 offers from the finest in dining, retail, professional services & personal care and activities & leisure. Theme Packs set themselves apart from other coupon books because of the vendor mix we are able to secure, the excellent offers (some exclusive to our program) and the return to the organization. VIP USA offers up to 75% back to the selling group for every book sold either by them or on their behalf.

Q. How can I get the latest Theme Pack?
A. You can purchase Theme Packs from any participating organization who is selling at the time or at the VIP USA website. Theme Packs may also be available at select sponsor locations. Please check the latest collateral for more information.
To download collateral, please click here

Q. How do you get such outstanding offers, I've never seen anything like it?
A. Participating merchants are truly champions of their community with the outstanding offers that we are able to secure. They understand about giving back and want to give the best offer they can because they know it helps the organizations who are selling.

Q. How can I have a custom pack made for my company?
A. Companies or organizations interested in having a custom Theme Pack sponsored and created for them may contact VIP USA directly.
Email info@vipusa.net